Okoye Chukwura Stanley popular known as Preach Xtimoni (Street Evangelist) is a privileged Financial Apostle and A Music Minister Representing Jesus in the Street! The 24-year-old is a native of Enugu Agidi, Njikoka Anambra State. He is the founder of Light Empire Evangelical Ministry. Recently, he released a gospel banger titled ELU. Anointed Chris Morgan was featured in the song and together they delivered a powerful one for the kingdom of God. As recorded from interviews, questions, and stories, Xtimoni is a self-acclaimed street Evangelist who always states that his jurisdiction is the streets!
Before now, Preach Xtimoni was a lost child but God’s grace found him and he answered the call with all his heart. Among many things about this evangelist is his in-depth care for those who are lost to the streets and their vices. His words, prophecy, and support for the public have gained him both popularity and grace. Accepting to dedicate his life to God, young Xtimoni submitted himself to his Spiritual father, Apostle Abundance Omale John who is the founder of the Goodlife Christian Center Abuja. With Help From his christ filled spiritual father and the grace of God, Xtimoni has released a list of songs, Ambulance (which the challenge is currently ongoing for the win of 300 dollars), and now “ELU”.
“ELU” is a gospel song that has lyrics filled with so much gratitude to God and praises to him for his unending grace. The Co music minister, Chris Morgan is an anointed minister of God with a call to save souls through music. The award-winning music minister is out to spread God’s love and word with music. Both music ministers were filled with the holy ghost and messaged to deliver this song for God’s glory and upliftment. Listening to the (ELU) song must move something in you to praise God.
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