This was revealed on Friday through the news outlet’s handle on Twitter, titled “Hushpuppi ally Abba Kyari blocks Peoples Gazette on Instagram”.
Abba Kyari, the embattled Nigerian deputy police commissioner, has blocked online news outlet, Peoples Gazette on his Instagram page and denied them access to critical public information.
This was revealed on Friday through the news outlet’s handle on Twitter, titled “Hushpuppi ally Abba Kyari blocks Peoples Gazette on Instagram”.
“Nigeria’s deputy police commissioner Abba Kyari has blocked Peoples Gazette on his Instagram page, denying it access to critical public information.
“In the early hours of Friday, The Gazette found that Mr Kyari, who uses the photo-sharing app to disseminate public information, blocked it from accessing his Instagram page.
“This followed The Gazette’s news of his embroiling with Nigerian Internet fraudster Ramon Abass known as Hushpuppi, in a multimillion-dollar fraud.”
Meanwhile, SaharaReporters discovered that Kyari has also restricted responses to his posts on his Instagram page.
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