King Perryy, a fast-rising Nigerian artist, has released a new single titled “Beast Of Our Nation.” This track features Wizard Chan and Tuzi, two other talented artists. The song’s title implies that the artists are beasts in their own right, representing their country and their musical talents.
The song has a catchy beat and an engaging melody that will leave listeners tapping their feet and nodding their heads. The lyrics are in pidgin English, a popular language in Nigeria, and they speak to the pride and resilience of the Nigerian people.
King Perryy’s vocals are smooth and confident, and he delivers the lyrics with passion and conviction. Wizard Chan and Tuzi also bring their A-game, adding their own unique style and flair to the track.
Overall, “Beast Of Our Nation” is a high-energy, feel-good song that showcases the talent and creativity of these three Nigerian artists. It’s a must-listen for anyone who loves Afrobeat music and wants to discover new and exciting artists.
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