Due to their ongoing social media rivalry, well-known event organizer Paul Okoye, also known as Paulo, has asked for a celebrity boxing battle between actress Iyabo Ojo, his girlfriend, and Lizzy Anjorin, her coworker.that the actresses have viciously attacked one another on social media for years and have been at odds for years.
Paulo suggested that the celebrities fight each other, giving the winner a $10 million prize, in an attempt to heal their long-standing feud.
Paulo posted on Instagram, “Lizzy Anjorin vs. Iyabo Ojo: “Winner takes everything!!!”
Ten million Naira “Medicals and ambulances were available.” arranged by OneAfricaGlobal & PaulO.
Paulo Okoye calls for boxing match between Iyabo Ojo, Lizzy Anjorin, offers winner N10m
Paulo Okoye calls for boxing match between Iyabo Ojo, Lizzy Anjorin, offers winner N10m
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