Makama in a post on his Twitter account also disclosed that an Ex-Boko Haram leader, Zubairu Hamza, also known as Ustaz also surrendered to the Nigerian Troops.

Two terrorist commanders have surrendered to Nigerian troops.

It was gathered that the commanders identified as Ba’a Usman (Munzir) and Alhaji Ari (Nakib), including their followers came from Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihād terrorist group.

Security analyst and counter-insurgency expert in Lake Chad, Zagazola Makama disclosed that military defence sources noted that the terrorists surrendered to the troops of Operation Hadin Kai in Damboa on November 20, 2022.

Investigation revealed that the terrorists who were initially hiding in the Sambisa forest had been waging campaigns of terror against the Nigerian Government.

The intensity of the battle between the terrorists and the Nigerian Army has seen not less than 90,000 insurgents comprising combatants and non-combatants and their families surrender.

Makama in a post on his Twitter account also disclosed that an Ex-Boko Haram leader, Zubairu Hamza, also known as Ustaz also surrendered to the Nigerian Troops.